Who is This Paul Riley?

And why is he so unusual?

I'm Paul Riley, and I have a lot of opinions about Ghostbusters. (Years ago, my brother prepared for his college reunion by creating a large number of business cards, each with its unique occupation. Because this was the mid 2010s, he was inspired by the discourse on the female-led Ghostbusters film.)

I have a compulsion to identify myself in relation to other people and things. Maybe it's something I should investigate and explore. Is it the best way of moving through the world? But for now, it's part of my identity. So what are the things that matter most to me?

Well, the places I've called home. I grew up in Wilmington, Delaware (a friend once critiqued my identifcation with a city where I didn't live as where I'm from, but considering that I went to high school in Wilmington, I feel confident in saying that I grew up there). I went to Elmira College, where I studied English Literature (among other majors) and worked with WECW, the campus radio station. I lived in Newmarket and Manchester, New Hampshire; I currently live in Lowell, Massachusetts. I love towns whose glory days are simultaneously in the past and future.

What matters most in this locales? The soundtrack playing as I move through these spaces. My favorite band is Barenaked Ladies (although I wouldn't count any of their post-Page work to be BNL); my favorite solo artist is Pete Yorn. Other favorites include They Might Be Giants, Bruce Springsteen, Jimmy Eat World, blink-182. Trout Fishing in America and "Weird Al" Yankovic are foundational artists whose work I'm returning to as I reflect on my development.

Kurt Vonnegut, Russell Banks (Rule of the Bone may be my favorite book of all time), non-fiction writers.

Intellectuals: James Baldwin, Ralph Waldo Emerson

Walt Disney World is my favorite place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. I'd rather live anywhere else, but can only visit. Such is the fate for a corporal form like myself. Generally, I enjoy exploring cities. I spent my bachelor party in Detroit, MI and my brother's in Richmond, VA. I'd like to see them again at a cooler time of year.

Other things that I enjoy: Tastykakes, Wawa, Pat's Pizza, understanding Catholicism, Lowell, MA and the sadness of people who see their lives as already over.

I'm fixing to write more about all of these things and more. I hope you'll visit often.